
It is widely recognised that a Nursery education is of great value. A Nursery School, with its professionally trained teachers and nursery assistants, is able to provide a wide range of opportunities for the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of each individual child in its care.
In Edenderry Nursery School we welcome and encourage your support and interest in our day-to-day activities. This enables your child to gain a positive attitude towards Nursery and a sense of security in his/her new environment.
During your child’s time in Edenderry Nursery School, the teacher is aware of the development of each child and of his/her individual needs and interests. Therefore, the variety and arrangement of the materials provided are extremely important and are carefully planned for.
The Nursery Curriculum for Pre-School Education is set out under six discrete headings. The children will experience it in a holistic way through play and other relevant experiences.
"The learning environment is highly stimulating, richly resourced and well-organised, and meets well the holistic needs of all the children." School Inspection Team, March 2023
This area of learning is of utmost importance for young children in all aspects of their lives. It is about children’s emotional well-being, understanding of who they are, and respect for others and their environment. Good personal, social and emotional development gives children the best opportunity for success in other Areas of Learning.
The teacher/nursery assistant helps each child to form stable relationships with his peers and other adults outside the family circle, thus encouraging the development of positive attitudes and values and a sense of responsibility and consideration for others. This new found independence helps to develop self-confidence and self-esteem. There is easy access to the bathroom. Training in personal hygiene is strongly encouraged.
Physical development and movement skills are important in developing children’s long-term health and well-being and in supporting their cognitive development. The children will have opportunities to use their bodies effectively - running, sliding, climbing, balancing etc in the safety of a supervised play area. Play is carefully planned to ensure that all children experience challenge, enjoyment and success.
A variety of activities are provided in school, i.e. – art and design, music and movement, sand, water, dough, clay, paint etc. These give the children the opportunity to be creative and expressive. The children are encouraged to choose what they want to make and to use their imaginations. Adults are on hand to stimulate the children and to extend their creativity in such a way that originality of thought is developed.
Language development is crucial to living and learning. We encourage the children’s use of language in a variety of situations, including the use of books, stories, poetry, rhymes, songs and varied play situations.
Early mathematical concepts are important for everyday life and develop slowly in the young child. The adults in Nursery will seek to extend informally, the mathematical experiences the children have already had in their home environment. Many mathematical concepts are inherent in play situations, for example, space, size, order and pattern, number and relationships. As the children play their awareness of these concepts will be developed through rhymes, stories, songs, activities and routines.
Children are naturally curious and enthusiastic about what is happening in the world around them. A wide variety of activities and experiences are available in Nursery which involve the children in observing, exploring, selecting and investigating, thus helping them to develop skills and concepts.
Children’s awareness of their environment and the people who work in their local community will be developed, as they are encouraged to talk about, explore and begin to take responsibility for the world around them.
Nursery School is the first step for your child from home into the arena of education and with your help, the staff will endeavour to provide him/her with the very best. Children learn so much during their Nursery School year – their play time is learning time and it is hard work. Please take time to praise, respect and encourage their efforts.
Edenderry Nursery School, Princess Way, Portadown, Craigavon BT63 5AP Phone: 028 3833 6973